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 About ECCB

ECCB is the major European conference in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. The conference covers computational methods for molecular biology that arise in the context of genomics and proteomics technologies in the fields of molecular biology, molecular medicine and pharmaceutics. Biological areas of interest include molecular sequence analysis, phylogenetics and evolution, molecular structure, molecular docking and drug design, metabolic and regulatory networks, gene expression and regulation, gene and protein function, modeling of cellular processes, and analysis of genetic variations.

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The ECCB is the major European Conference in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics ad we expect between 600 and 800 delegates. We offer the opportunity of sponsoring the conference at various levels of commitment and exclusivity.


 Workshops  printable version

ECCB 2008 will feature one-day workshop sessions.

A workshop is a one-day meeting about a specialized area that is of interest to ECCB attendees and is held in conjunction with ECCB. It should provide a broad and/or deep perspective on the cutting edge of a field of research; in particular, it should not focus primarily on the organizers’ work. It may or may not cover a topic that is also addressed in the main conference—if it does, it should cover the topic more extensively than the conference does. Presentations generally cover the newest developments; participants generally include those working at the forefront of the field, as well as those who want to become active in the field. Organizer(s) of a workshop will be fully responsible for the workshop’s scientific content: they may invite speakers of their choice, invite submissions, or a combination.

Workshops will be  on September 22nd and are scheduled to be eight hours long, from 9:30 to 17:30, with two half-hour coffee breaks and a one-hour lunch break.

Proposal Submission

Proposals for workshops can be submitted from  November 12th, 2007 to April 11th, 2008. Proposals should be a maximum of four pages long and should include the following information.

Information about organizers / lecturers:

- Full name, including title

- Affiliation

- Postal and e-mail addresses

- Telephone numbers (work, fax, and cell, if available, including country and city codes)

- URL of home page

- Experience organizing workshops

Workshop proposal:

- Title (preferably something to pique one's interest)

- Short abstract (maximum of 100 words)

- More extended workshop description

- Tentative sessions / topics and possible speakers

- How presentations will be selected (invitation, call for submissions, etc.)

- Why this workshop is appropriate for ECCB attendees

- Previous meetings of this workshop or similar workshops

An evaluation committee will consider a variety of factors in evaluating proposals, including: relevance to ECCB attendees, expertise and experience of the organizers / lecturers, effectiveness of the proposed organization, and clarity and quality of the proposal.


The conference will provide a PC and LCD projector for each workshop and tutorial. Speakers may load files onto the PC using CDs or disks-on-key (USB flash memory disks); they may also hook up their own PCs or Macs to the projector.

Organizers will be responsible for ensuring that the material they submit for CDs and photocopying may be legally used, and that appropriate copyright permissions have been arranged.

Organizers are expected to prepare a schedule of speakers and titles. They should also collect PowerPoint presentations and reference material in PDF format from speakers, for inclusion on a CD that will be given to each workshop participant. The conference will not distribute paper copies of these materials.

Workshop organizers are responsible for the scientific content of the  meeting. They may invite speakers, publish a call for submissions, or a combination. They are expected to operate within the context of ECCB procedures, including finalizing the program and providing materials by the deadlines, working within the budget, etc.

Each workshop will receive up to two free workshop and congress registrations for organizers. The conference reserves the right to cancel a scheduled workshop if registration a month before the conference is not at least 15 participants.

The workshop registration fee will be of  €100 and was calculated considering: room, coffee breaks, CD, lunch and AV costs.

Biology by other means

ECCB Conference Format

ECCB is the major European conference in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.

The conference covers computational methods for molecular biology that arise in the context of genomics and proteomics technologies in the fields of molecular biology, molecular medicine and pharmaceutics. Biological areas of interest include genomes and protein analysis, algorithms and phylogeny, transcriptomics, structural bioinformatics, proteomics, text mining, pathways and interactions, databases, systems biology and bioinformatics for diseases.

The conference will start in the afternoon of September 22nd and it will be preceded by a workshop and tutorial session. It will end on September 26th at lunch time.